I've been working all of the baseball pictures for this season. Finally have them all finished. Have been slow posting any of Sam. Here is his picture, team picture and his signed baseball for the Red Sox.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Andrew after receiving his championship trophy. He was one happy boy.
Chesterfield Little League Champion Devil Rays--The game was played on June 15. You can see by their faces the boys were a bunch of happy players, not just the players but also the coaches. After the game, the team party was held on the ball field. There were water balloons, water guns, egg throw (what a mess) and kick ball. Of course, there was FOOD (the kids favorite-Pizza and cake). CONGRATULATIONS TEAM.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
HOPE YOU ENJOY LOOKING AT THESE PICTURES DATED JUNE 5-6 AS MUCH AS I ENJOYED TAKING THEM. The picture here of the eagle is actually the last one I took. I took it at Bass Pro Shop, can't get a live one so a stuffed one will do for the time being. It has webs hanging from the wings, needs a good dusting.
Jim at Bass Pro Shop. This bear is just a little bigger than him---HA
The Owens family minus John. He wouldn't get up and come down to the boardwalk.
Steve, Robin, Hunter and Clara
Larry & Dorothy
#1 Fireworks on Saturday night
Pelicans gliding over the water
This and the following 6 pictures were taken at the Va Aquarium and Marine Science Center. This particular picture was taken through the window. We didn't have time to walk the nature trail.
Seal - pictures of the seals were hard to take since the sun was shining so bright on the water.
I thought this was beautiful. Couldn't get a close picture since it was quite large.
Female Cardinal or at least that was what I was told. Doesn't look like those I have seen in the woods at home.
This quail didn't seem to like having his picture taken. He actually was fussing at another bird.
Turtle---what big eyes he (she) has. Looked straight into the camera
Pirate Ship
#1 Navy helicopter Look close and you can see the men.
#2 I'm not sure if this is a naval air craft
Wind surfer
I know this isn't very clear but if you look close you can see 2 (maybe 3) sets of legs.
Surfer 1 When I took these pictures I was on the 3rd floor of the hotel. I caught this surfer just before he fell off his board.
Surfer 2
Surfer 3
Jet skies
Monday, June 05, 2006
We had rain as you can see by the rain drops falling below the sea gull.
Sea gull
Sea gull did a wonderful job posing.
View from balcony. King Neptune in the foreground.
Statue of King Neptune
Four of the many fireworks that were fired. Virginia Beach was celebrating the opening of their new Conference Center. They had the Washington Red Skins there for for 3 days.
Firework 2
Firework 3
Firework 4
One of the many sun rises, this one had a ship heading back out to sea.
I got this pelican while walking on the beach early one morning.
Pelican taking off after catching a fish
This is the better of all the pictures I took of the dolphins. After looking close at the picture, I saw that there were 4 instead of 3.
2006-06-01 Hunter was so excited about seeing the beach. He was ready to get on the beach and play in the BIG SANDBOX...
Hunter in the water. He wouldn't let go of his daddy's hand. He liked looking at the water and waves but wasn't all that keen about getting in it.
Robin with Clara peeking out. It was a very windy day and she was snug as a bug in a rug.
Clara just taking every thing in and being such a good baby.
2006-06-04 Barbara with granddaughter Clara
2006-06-04 Owens & Parsons on our last day at Virginia Beach